best little birdie

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Published by labz800
10 years ago
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RimJobWorker 2 years ago
Two Porn Lionesses; Fierce & Shameless Ladies; Relentless Lezzies ⚢ ㊛+㊛
Sausages100 3 years ago
Love those skirts where the arse hangs out
Veganal 3 years ago
Two of my favorite women doing what I love the most, eating and playing with each other's assholes
Smoothcocklover 4 years ago
Two anal goddesses 
yrs ago when i had just got married i was out celebrating my 1st ever bussiness deal, my wife understood that i would be late home but even so when i did walk thru the door i was trying to justify my lateness, i said to my wife, "i dont think you realise what i have achieved at work, i just wanted to celebrate" , she then said, "baby i do understand, and now you can celebrate my way", she lead me to our "playroom" , there was a large "box" that had a cover over it, my wife then said, "everytime you close a bussiness deal you will get one of "these" , get naked and pull off the cover" , i did as instructed and WoW , the "box" was actually a cage ! , inside was a latex clad Babe , she passed a card thru the "bars" (which i still have), it read , " congratulations my man, this Slave belongs to you, Whip her, Beat her, Suck un Fuck her . Tonight yr wildest Fantasies can come True" . . . and yes WoW , what a Sexgasmic night !!! . My wife kept to her word and with every successful deal came a new Slave in to the cage , each one seeming more dirty than the last . When i now look back over a great carreer i can see the real reason why i worked so goddame hard at my job , my success is down to my good wife and the "Deal" we had between us , i was then and still are the luckiest husband ever ! ! ! ! , and my babe if yr reading this then i really fancy a Latex night , i love ya . x .
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