If just the rest of these white bois would get it, and join us natural micro clit white bois with what we know, they would easy give up pussy, and will always be pussy free so we can have the pleasure of watching another knowing white boi doing what is the most important white boi can learn and enjoy like no one on earth could ever feel and know. Can't be told, must be learned and earned. Some say it is a waste of time, but nothing that can make you feel so out of this world. Not just once, as I have had 50 sissygasms day after day and not one was a waste of my time. It added and made me feel like I want to feel. I love that feeling of being a pig butt fucked slut that is not allowed to touch it's clit to make it sissygasm, so hard, so fast, and be ready to do it again and again.