Son witness how step mom Misty Vonage goes black

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Watching My Daughter Go Black
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Son witness how mom Misty Vonage goes black

Published by MomLovesBBC
8 years ago
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kjorgenson 5 years ago
sex good...
solid7snake 8 years ago
she looks like a mom from a friend i used to hung with when we were kids.Except the fake boobs of course.Her husband was captain and the whole year sometimes was on trips.So my friends mom was gone wild.I dont remember how many times i used to find her panties all over her house.Red,black,white,pink,blue....Her son didnt know what a slut mom he has.She used to tell him many times if he wanted to sleep on my place and of course he was so happy.After the years i figure out that she just wanted to get rid of her son and have her home empty for her boyfriends.Every saturday my friend was sleeping on me and her mom obviously get her ass,pussy and mouth fucked.I remember these things now and im going crazy...Now that her son go she has the house free all the time.This past year i saw two times as i was passing by of her house at midnight two men going into her home.Both times the one man was the same...I think she would be great at gangbangs or threesomes.I feel sorry for her hubby,he is a good man.
Anyway the bitch is going to the same gym with me,and i tried once to hit on her,she was on with that,we exchange phone numbers but i dont know,i didnt do it.She was more thin than before and she was a little turn down.I wanted the same woman that used to welcome us into her house with babydolls and hot shorts...
RAISTLIN088 8 years ago
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